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Het Parkhuis   headerxxl
Rijksontmoetingsplein   squarem

Touch down for a quick chat

Spontaneous encounters are indispensable for well-being, happiness at work and employee productivity. Breakout zones are ideal for this: comfortable places where employees can touch down for a short time, whether in a small group or alone. Employees can preview a meeting or chat here without having to return to a workstation in the open-plan environment. The breakout zone is a popular space as it encourages short brainstorming and interactions as well as moments of rest. And thus increases productivity.

Like they do at NVM

At NVM too, break-out zones also provide space for (spontaneous) meetings and relaxation. This allows colleagues to meet each other informally here or relax for a while.

NVM   landscapexl
Well, Well Work, Qabin Chat Connect high, Qabin Call, Revolt   squarem

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