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Hyll, Fount, Well   headerxxl


The collection consists of cabinets, lockers and pedestals that facilitate different ways of storage. They are available in many dimensions and decors. There is a suitable configuration for every environment.

By choosing uniform colours and materials, the cabinets, lockers and pedestals can be combined with each other and with other Techo furniture in the same environment.

  • Accessible, timeless, and versatile
  • For various storage solutions
  • Lock with key
  • Soft-close
  • Interchangeable combinations
  • Extensive size range
  • Choice of various finishes

Hyll, Fount, WF25   portraitm
Hyll, Fount, Well   landscapem
Hyll, Fount, Well   landscapem
Hyll, Charge   landscapem
Hyll, Fount, WF25   squarem

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