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Nova College   headerxxl

Circular design

In a vitalising working environment, the circular philosophy is central. With the aim of: preventing raw materials from becoming waste and promoting the long-term (re)use of components and materials. Designers with a circular approach use as little material as possible and as many sustainable and recyclable materials as possible. They design the furniture to be modular, making it easy to repair and long lasting. At the end of its lifespan, parts and materials often get a second life in new furniture. This way the value is preserved.

EN Ahrend Illustration Circular design based on npr in 6 steps circularity
‘45% of all CO2 emissions come from the production of materials’
Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Closing the Gap (2019)

Sustainable use of materials

Circular and sustainable use of materials is an integral part of the circular design strategy. That's more than just adding recycled materials to products. The selection of circular materials starts with the basics: How safe is a material, what is its lifespan and how is it reusable after the end of its lifespan? Within the design process we always look at how we can get the maximum value from materials. And we look for new utilisation techniques and ways to make materials safer. We continually test for this.

Sustainable Materials   Blue   landscapexl
A500, A220   landscapem

Reused and refurbished furniture

With reused or refurbished furniture, organisations can take steps towards meeting their sustainability goals. Refurbished furniture is used office furniture that is rejuvenated into future-proof furniture that is as good as new. The furniture used is checked for functionality, technology, signs of use, safety and ergonomics. Where necessary, the furniture will be upgraded. For example, new wheels, new fabric or a new base. This extends lifespan and sometimes reduces the CO2 footprint by up to 90% compared to a new average product.

Circular design at its best: WELL Circular Black  

The Ahrend WELL Circular Black expresses the circular design strategy from start to finish. The deep black plastic seat shell consists of polypropylene, 100% recycled plastic from the consumer market. The aluminum frame is made of recycled aluminum. Polishing the aluminium gives it a gleaming finish without the need for chrome. The frames with wooden legs are made from timber from sustainably-managed forests in Germany. Thanks to the modular construction, endless combinations are possible and parts are easily replaceable.

Well, Cross, Loungescape   landscapem

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