Royal Ahrend commits to net zero CO2 emissions by 2050
Bussum, April 18 2023
Today, Eugène Sterken, CEO of Royal Ahrend, signed the Net-Zero Science Based Targets of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) amongst top-tier leading Dutch companies at the CEO breakfast meeting. This puts Royal Ahrend on track to have a value chain that is in line with the Paris Climate Agreement. The company is therefore contributing to limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5°C.
Eugène Sterken signed the SBTi objectives during a CEO breakfast session prior to the Purpose Day XL conference in Bussum, led by United Nations Global Compact Vice President Paul Polman. In addition to Royal Ahrend, other companies also committed to these objectives are: Intergamma, Trivium Packaging, Dura Vermeer, TBI, Verstegen Spices & Sauces, EVBox, Media.Monks, CSU, Tzorg, Zizo and TAUW bv.
Zero emissions in 2050
Royal Ahrend and the other signatory companies are committed to setting short- and long-term emission reduction targets and to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across their entire value chain by 2050 at the latest. SBTi's independent technical experts validate this. The aim is to reduce emissions quickly, halving them by 2030. In 2050, these organizations should have near-zero emissions. They must offset any remaining emissions that they cannot prevent. The SBTi Net-Zero standard is the most ambitious target for companies and covers a company's emissions throughout the value chain. Most companies must reduce their CO2 emissions by at least 90% in order to reach net zero by 2050 at the latest.
Royal Ahrend's ambitions
The companies involved must draw up their own blueprint to achieve the SBTi targets. For example, Royal Ahrend – in close cooperation with customers and suppliers – has a plan to reduce internal CO2 emissions (from its own factories) and external emissions (from materials used and transport operations). In recent years, Royal Ahrend has already taken steps to reduce CO2 emissions.
Eugène Sterken, Royal Ahrend CEO: "In 2018, we set ourselves the goal of reducing our internal CO2 emissions by 50% by 2025, and we have already achieved that goal this year. In addition, we have already taken many steps in recent years to reduce CO2 emissions in our chain. For example, through the annual refurbishment of around 50,000 items of furniture in our Circular Hub, the use of recycled materials, as well as the launch of Furniture as a Service, where customers pay for use instead of ownership. This enables us proactively to give furniture more than one life, maximising its total period of use. All these activities contribute to reducing emissions throughout the value chain. By signing the Net-Zero Science Based Targets, we are taking another step towards net zero emissions by 2050."
About SBTi
The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a partnership between the CDP (Climate Disclosure Project), the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute, and the World Wide Fund for Nature. Science Based Targets (SBT) are science-based targets that provide in-depth analysis of emissions and reduction plans. The SBTi independently assesses and validates companies' CO2 emissions targets in accordance with the most up-to-date climate science and based on scientific criteria.
About the CEO breakfast
The CEO breakfast and the commitment of the companies present was organized by UN Global Compact Network Netherlands, IMPACTING.today sustainability consultancy, Purpose Day XL co-organizer Folkert van der Molen (Van der Molen E.I.S.) and Charlotte de Voogd of H+K Strategies. The plant-based breakfast was sponsored by Vermaat Group.