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A matter of focus

If you are an employer and you wish to handle the home workstation arrangements for (some of your) employees yourself, you have several options. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages. And some options carry more tax implications than others. However, if you would rather focus on your core business, it makes sense to outsource. But there are a few things to bear in mind when looking for the right partner.

Delta   landscapexl
HumanTotalCare   landscapexl

In step with your HR policy

Always look for a partner that has the ability to keep in step with your company's established HR policy on homeworking. For example, you may want to introduce a separate 'track’ for employees who have medical grounds for special furniture. Not every supplier of home furniture will be able to meet this need.

A ‘custom-made’ website

Look for a partner who is capable of setting up a ‘custom-made’ webshop for your employees. Webshops offer plenty of choice and maximum accessibility for employees (why do things the hard way?). And, of course, it is important to offer nothing but Arbo-standard (Working Conditions Act-standard) products through the webshop. This gives you the assurance of having addressed the tax implications of homeworking.
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Consider privacy protection

Providing employees with homeworking furniture on loan brings additional administrative work. You will need to keep track of who is using what furniture, and at what address, not to mention where to collect it from if the employee leaves the company. This admin involves personal data covered by the GDPR, so it is important that your outsourcing partner is able to offer a privacy protection guarantee. A vendor risk assessment is also advisable.

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    What are the tax implications of homeworking?

    As an employer, it is your responsibility to provide your employees with a good home workstation. If you decide to do it yourself, it is wise to consider the tax implications beforehand.

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  • Balance, Ease   landscapexl

    Working from home: how do I organise it?

    As an employer, you are responsible for health and safety in the workplace, even if your employees are working from home. You can do this by providing your employees with a good home workstation.

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    Tips for ergonomic working from home

    We're working from home more and more. So our home office is becoming increasingly important. Read some tips to stay fit and healthy while working from home.

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Want to know more about our homeworking solutions? Or receive a demo of a customised webshop? We’re happy to think along with you about home workstations for employees. Fill in the form below, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.