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Behavioural change with signage

The interior architects at Ahrend can advise you on how to encourage voluntary but necessary changes in behaviour. They help you identify the critical areas of the building.

They develop clear signage that carries just the right look, feel and message. This will create a clear and obvious context in which everyone can to return to the workplace in a safe and healthy way.


Topic Embedded Systems   landscapexl
Edith Kusters   squarem
Many organisations still see space planning and office interiors as nothing more than tables and chairs, and not as a means of communicating
Edith Kusters Interior designer Ahrend
Aegon   landscapem


A nudge always has some fixed characteristics. A nudge is not an obligation, but a choice. The character is always positive and adds something to the work environment. Think of signs at the lift that encourage you to take the stairs or a silence CALL, a phone booth that will encourage people to call in a place that doesn't bother others.

Getting started with nudges

The Workplace nuding method was developed by WorkWire. This stimulates employees to create new working patterns in a positive way with rapid, concrete interventions. Do you want to get started with nudging? Then we can create an inspiring and tailor-made method together with WorkWire, which fits your organisation's DNA and is always bottom-up.
Royal Ahrend office project Stedin in Delft 02
Royal Ahrend office project Stedin in Delft 04

Working with workplace nudging?

Contact us for an inspiring plan.

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