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Well   headerxxl


Back in the 90s, Ahrend was involved in the development of Ecodesign, the European guideline for environmentally-friendly product design. New products are always designed in a modular way in accordance with these guidelines, and components and materials are easily separated for recycling and reuse. We looked at a range of furnishing solutions and improved them according to the Ecodesign directive. The A220 office chair from 1994 was one of the first Ecodesign products in the world. Since then, the Ecodesign principles have been a standard feature of our product development.

Sustainable Innovations   Bench   landscapexl


We have also integrated the cradle-to-cradle principle into our product development. Not only do we ensure a reduction in material use, we also look at the quality of the used materials. Ideally, in the Circular Economy you use only good quality, healthy and safe materials.

An independent external party (EPEA) analyses the circular properties of our materials. This is how we know that only safe substances are used at our manufacturing sites: safe for everyone who produces the materials, for our co-workers who work with the materials and also for our customers who use our products. It’s in the interest of everyone’s well-being and that of the environment too.
Maintenance   landscapexl
Well   squarem

Exemples : Well Armchair et Well Circular Black

Les modèles les plus circulaires de la collection Well sont le fauteuil en feutre PET et le Circular Black. Le siège de la Circular Black est en polypropylène : un plastique post-consommation 100% recyclé. Aucune concession n’a été faite en termes de style, de confort ou de qualité.

  • Unilever   landscapexl

    Collection Revived

    Nous donnons une nouvelle vie au mobilier de bureau usagé en proposant des solutions à l'épreuve du temps qui sont aussi agréables que le neuf.

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  • Aegon   landscapem

    Furniture as a Service

    Avec Ahrend Furniture as a Service, vous disposez d'un aménagement de bureau dynamique pour un montant fixe par mois, que vous pouvez facilement adapter à vos besoins.

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  • Fabriek / Factory Sint Oedenrode   landscapem


    Our sustainability ambitions and objectives are closely related to our vision: to create Vitalising Workspaces.

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Unilever   squarem

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