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HumanTotalCare   headerxxl

1. Comfortable climate

For optimal productivity, the indoor temperature should range between 20-25°C. But the perception of climate varies from person to person; young or old and male or female. One general climate leads to complaints among individual employees. Recently published scientific research also shows that people who cannot influence the indoor climate are expected to be on average 6.3% less productive and have an average of 1.5 times more sick building complaints.

Read more about the Balance Comfort
Balance, S50   landscapem

2. Good acoustics

In an environment with good acoustic comfort, we work more effectively and feel more full of life and energy. With less stress, there are fewer errors and less absenteeism. Pleasant acoustics start with good décor. That's why we always look at the overall picture, taking into account the personal needs of the employees.

In any room, sound can be absorbed, shielded, weakened or masked. The layout of a space, behaviour and experience also affect acoustic comfort. In the end, the solution is always a combination of different measures.

Read more about acoustics

Balance, Recharge, 2020 Extra Verta, S50   landscapem

3. Ergonomics

Alternate and stand is the new standard in the workplace.

Read more about ergonomics

4. Green in the office

By adding natural elements to your environment, employees experience less stress and are happier and more productive. This is one of the most efficient and cost-saving interventions in the establishment of a new working environment. Biophilic design is increasingly being used to enhance the benefits of a connection with nature.

Biophilic design is a relatively unknown concept, but scientists have long agreed: the need for a connection to nature is deeply rooted in our genes and has a direct influence on our physical and mental health. There are several elements that you can add to your workplace to create a healthier environment.

Royal Ahrend office project Vandemoortele in Gent 06

5. Natural light

Lighting is not only necessary for carrying out activities; various studies show that good lighting also has a positive impact on your health, wellbeing, alertness and even on sleep quality. In the workplace this also results in an improved work performance.

If you have few daylight options in the office, biodynamic lighting will mimic the rhythm of daylight. Light with a large blue light share (cold white) has an activating effect, it strengthens cognitive performance and concentration ability. Light with a large red light share (warm light) on the other hand has a relaxing effect.
Balance, 2020 Extra Verta   landscapem
‘When an office has sufficient daylight, 71% of the employees feel more energised.’
CBRE Healthy Offices Research, 2016

6. Inspiring look & feel

A visually pleasant working environment attracts talent, ensures recognition and radiates a positive brand experience. Our interior designers and designers help shape new or existing working environments with their well-founded knowledge and years of experience in the field of working styles, wellbeing, sustainability and acoustics. All based on your needs.

Genmab   landscapem
HumanTotalCare   landscapexl

7. Healthy amenities

By offering healthy snacks such as nuts, rice waffles with humus, cucumber and water with mint, cucumber and fruit, employees perform 20% better. Research shows that employees also feel 78% more energetic and 66% happier. Better education means unhealthy habits are decreasing considerably, for  example, today’s employees drink less coffee and more water.

Aegon   squarem

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