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Qabin Chat Focus, Balance, Ease, Concentration Corner, Switch, Ease   headerxxl

Current developments

For some time now, employees have made their own ‘journey’ in the working environment. They choose one spot for peace and quiet and another for collaborations or brainstorming (activity-related work). What we do see, however, is a number of shifts in the current working environment:

  • People are working (even) more frequently from home. This has made the home workspace an integral part of the working environment.
  • The office of the future carries greater weight as a central meeting place. A place that encourages connectedness between co-workers and connectedness with the organisation as a whole.
  • Around the meeting place a flexible pod of external working locations appears. From well-equipped work hubs to other locations (from coffee shops to public transport).
Qabin Chat Focus, Balance, Ease, Concentration Corner, Switch, Ease   landscapexl

The working environment of the future

The future working environment in Ahrend's vision allows employees to journey through a diversity of physical workspaces. In the course of the working day, they seek out the spaces that suit them best; spaces that allow them to give their best at a given time or for a given task. This is what we understand by the Hybrid Working Community: a working environment that offers multiple spaces(s) for every employee to follow a unique work journey.

Vitalising working environments are key

Wherever people are working in the Hybrid Working Community, vitalising and inspirational working environments are key. Vitalising workspaces create connectedness, promote employee wellness, raise productivity and facilitate diversity. The four basics for an organisation's success. The basic elements behind every Ahrend-designed interior or refurbishment.
Vandemoortele   landscapexl
‘The Hybrid Working Community offers employees all the space they need to perform at their best.’
Unilever   landscapexl

What does this mean for your organisation?

How you envisage the vitalisation of your future working environment varies from one organisation to another, and depends on your core values as well as the work and work processes. In the whitepaper we present an overall picture of the future working environment. How your Hybrid Working Community will look depends on custom-made solutions. For that reason, Ahrend offers Workplace consultancy: we will gladly consider your organisation's challenges and help you find appropriate, future-proof solutions.

Download the white paper

Want to know more about the Hybrid Working Community?

Home, Ease, Pyramid Bench 12, Recharge 45   landscapexl
Colour portrait of Marianne Wind

Queries or advice?

Do you have a question about the working environment of the future or do you want advice? Our experts are happy to work with you.

Contact us