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Revolt   headerxxl
Well, Pyramid   landscapexl

Work where and when you want

Today's technology and flexible working hours make it increasingly easy for employees to work wherever they want. By allowing them to use remote spaces or workstations (work hubs) as needed, they save on travel time. This way, they can work in the neighbourhood coffee shop or library, work on something else on the train or have a consultation while walking in the forest. Giving employees that space contributes to employee satisfaction and productivity.

Remote working

A different environment energizes anew. In addition to all the possibilities offered by the office and the home workplace, the right facilities allow employees to work more and more effectively on the road or at remote locations. This is how time can be used in a smart and flexible way.

Revolt   landscapexl

Unilever   portraiti
Unilever   landscapexl
DELA   landscapexl
Colour portrait of Marianne Wind

Queries or advice?

Do you have a question about the working environment of the future or do you want advice? Our experts are happy to work with you.

Contact us