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Powernap, Concentration Corner Solo desk   headerxxl

Sleep yourself healthy

If we sleep or rest, our body recovers. We are re-energised and our bodies release hormones, important substances that regulate different processes. This increases your dopamine levels, which makes you more productive and ensures a better mood and less symptoms of pain, reducing absenteeism at work. At the same time, the production of cortisol and adrenaline decreases, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes - even for healthy people. This is advantageous for yourself and your organisation: meaning employees make fewer mistakes, productivity is higher and medical costs are lower. Worth an investment!

Royal Ahrend Showroom in Sint Oedenrode 0301B
  • Easy to clean by hygienic fabric and protective cover
  • Place privacy wall left or right
  • Hook to hang personal items
  • Headphones
  • Tablet
  • Ahrend PuK wireless smartphone charger
  • Available in different colours and fabrics
  • Headset with active noise control

Comfort and innovation in one functional design

Lock yourself away from your surroundings. The privacy wall of the Powernap shields you and gives you enough privacy for a moment of rest. The headphones play soothing music and blocking  ambient noise. Let your muscles relax with the vibration of the Neurosonic's Whole-Body Vibration mattress. The app allows you to easily adjust the strength of the vibrations targeting individual body parts. The mattress is coated with wear-resistant fabrics, which are waterproof and oil and grease repellent.  You can easily clean the Powernap after use with a lukewarm cloth.

Loungescape Powernap   landscapexl

For everyone

Offices, hospitals, educational institutions or in a factory: the Powernap is there for everyone. The different programs each have their own purpose. Turn on 'Relaxation' to relax your muscles and reduce stress, during a busy working day. The Powernap program makes you active and alert again, the perfect way to recover from an afternoon dip. 'Recovery' is an ideal program for people with jet lag, who work shifts or have a disbalance in their day and night rhythm. Choose the powernap that suits you and re- charges you.

The experience of...

'During my shift, I like to spend a quarter of an hour on the power nap sofa to do a short breathing exercise. A brief escape from the stimuli of the department; the cocoon of the power nap sofa really calms me. The opportunity to withdraw for a moment, with the agreement of your co-workers, means I can get back to work feeling refreshed.

On the nightshift, too, it’s a great help to be able to lie down for a while around the 4 o’clock dip. This also helps you rewind and restore your rhythm.

It’s taking a moment to care for yourself so that you can provide even better care to your patients!'

- nurse at hospital OLVG Oost, Amsterdam

Loungescape Powernap   squarem
Loungescape Powernap, Well, Delta   squarem

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