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ACIBADEM International Medical Center   headerxxl

A luxurious, medical living room

In 2017, ACIBADEM Medical Center opened its clinic in Amsterdam. The Turkish-Dutch medical center has 16 specialties under one roof and offers outpatient treatments. The medical center is housed in a former office building. The architect AGS Architect was commissioned to transform an existing office building into a medical center. The aim of the design was  to do justice to both Turkish and Dutch culture. ACIBADEM did not want to have a 'hospital' look, but rather that of a luxurious, medical living room. Ahrend was asked to deliver furniture that fits this unique concept.

ACIBADEM International Medical Center   landscapem


The medical center pays special attention to how the interior, décor and colour use contribute to the recovery and well-being of the patient. Ahrend satisfied the issue of the customer and architect by offering furniture that suits the culture of the center and its visitors. A unique décor was achieved by applying warm tones and soft materials, combined with luxurious looking furniture.

ACIBADEM International Medical Center   portraiti
ACIBADEM International Medical Center   landscapem
Royal Ahrend healthcare project ACIBADEM International Medical Center in Amsterdam 0074
ACIBADEM International Medical Center   landscapem
Royal Ahrend healthcare project ACIBADEM International Medical Center in Amsterdam 0104
ACIBADEM International Medical Center   portraiti
ACIBADEM International Medical Center   squarem

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