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Schiphol   headerxxl

Choose a locker that suits your needs

Select a locker cabinet that is suitable for your building. Add a mailbox slot to lockers in an office environment or place a charging point for laptops and tablets. Need to save space? With our Z-shaped wardrobes, you'll be even more space efficient.

Cygnus Gymnasium   landscapem

In all colours and sizes

The range of combinations is endless. Choose the size, setup, material, and colour. Different types of lock systems, mean you always secure your locker safely. All lockers have masterkey functionality: from the certified cylinder locks to mechanical grade sparks and electronic PIN locks. With locker management software, you can also link access to a staff or student pass.

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek   portraiti
Cambium College   landscapem
Ministerie van Landbouw Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit   squarem

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