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ŠKODA AUTO   headerxxl
ŠKODA AUTO   landscapexl

Investing in a long-term relationship

Škoda Auto spent a year and a half developing the new showroom concept. Working with architects, they created the template for the showroom appearance and set about specifying suitable materials. The modernisation was not just a matter of new furniture and chairs – it also involved new external and internal signage, flooring and lighting. The basic colours are an elegant white and a refreshing green, which are complemented by the warm Sumava wood decor of the new furniture – a décor produced exclusively for this project.

The close relationship we have built up with Škoda Auto meant we were able to go that extra mile to meet every detail of the design brief. For this client, it meant we even invested into dedicated production equipment, enabling us to produce the individual design modules in bulk.
ŠKODA AUTO   landscapexl
‘As a brand we have some defined values – for example, that it is caring and offers comfort, human contact, technology, etc. We have attempted to depict this in the showrooms.’
Peter Olah Design coordinator at Škoda Auto
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The successful delivery of a showroom is not the end of the process. After the handshakes and the handover, we move to the after-sales phase. There are often small additional orders to be supplied, complaints to be handled and improvements to be carried out.  Ahrend has this process under full control, thanks to its network of branches and representatives in local markets across the globe. The quality of this service is key to maintaining a good relationship with this client in years to come.

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ŠKODA AUTO   landscapem
ŠKODA AUTO   landscapem
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ŠKODA AUTO   landscapem
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Škoda about Ahrend

Cooperation with Ahrend has been running for a long time now, and I can honestly say it works very well.

For example, on the furniture we resolved an important issue concerning the Sumava wood décor. For the original proposal, we used a cold grey wood colour. However, the feedback we received from dealers and customers during the development phase was that the furniture seemed a bit cold and sterile. This prompted us to use a warmer décor.

Together with Ahrend, we spent a lot of time in close contact with dealers to determine how they liked the new concept. Without this, I don’t think it would have been so successful.

- Jaromír Kuhnresponsible for the showroom concept, Škoda Auto

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