Invoice Ahrend NL

Voornaam Achternaam
Straat 1
Postcode Woonplaats
Kofferen 60
5492 BP Sint Oedenrode
Phone Number: +31 (0)88 006 1500
Ordered Products with their details.
Article Number Description Quantity Price Discount Total Amount
TWP2020ZWNPR 0150 Ahrend 2020 NPR 1 100,00 € 0,00 € 100,00 €
TWP2020ZWNPR 0150 Ahrend 2020 NPR 2 100,00 € 25,00 € 175,00 €
Summary of how the costs are calculated.
Total Amount excluding VAT 100,00 €
Shipping costs 10,00 €
VAT Rate VAT high rate Netherlands 22,00 €
Total 132,00 €