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Hyll   headerxxl
Hyll, Fount, WF25, Well   squarem


The cupboards blend tasteful design with practical storage solutions. They come in three types: without doors, with doors, and with sliding doors. The doors are equipped with a soft-close mechanism and a lock with key. The shelves are adjustable and can be finished with an aluminium strip, with steel options also available. For a more homely aesthetic, ash wood legs can be used as a base instead of plinths.

An upholstered panel is available for the rear, allowing the cupboards to function as elegant room dividers while improving the room's acoustics. Planters can be placed on top of the cupboards to add greenery for a healthier environment. Additionally, a top panel is available for a luxurious finish to the upper surface of the cupboards.

  • Accessible, timeless and versatile
  • For different storage methods
  • Lock with key
  • Soft-close
  • Extensive dimensions
  • Various decors
  • Cabinets and lockers can be combined
  • 3 types of cabinets: without doors, with doors and with sliding doors
  • Ash wood legs
  • Upholstered back panels
  • Planters
  • Tops

Hyll   portraitm
Hyll, Fount, WF25, Well   landscapem
Hyll, Well   landscapem
Hyll, Fount, Well   landscapem
Hyll, Charge, Recharge 45, Well   landscapem
Hyll   portraitm
Hyll, Fount, WF25   squarem

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