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The ideal waiting chair

Make visitors feel welcome. The Well Waiting makes waiting pleasant. You can customise the ideal waiting chair for any reception area. Create beautiful combinations by matching the various colours together. The possibilities are endless.

Well, Aero   landscapexl
  • Wire frame or four-legged frame
  • Wire frame in high or low variant
  • Wire frame stackable up to 5 pieces
  • Four-legged base optionally with armrests or castors
  • Frames in polished aluminum, painted metal or chrome plated
  • Create a ton-sur-ton effect with the frame and shell in the same paint color
  • Frames fitted with castors or glides to match the floor
  • Upholstered in a fabric from the fabrics collection
  • Sturdy plastic shell with attractive texture, seat upholstery or entire seat shell upholstered all around
‘Create tailor-made chairs that match your unique work environment and interior perfectly.’

Well, Aero   portraitxl
Valeo   landscapexl
Staalbeton   landscapexl
Valeo   landscapexl
Rijksontmoetingsplein   landscapexl
Verspieren   portraitxl
Royal Ahrend Inspiration Centre in Amsterdam DSF3309

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