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Remode, Balance   headerxxl

Our furniture is used intensively indoors throughout the day. We therefore ensure that the materials are sound and durable. We test our furniture extensively in various ways. How do we do this?

We analyse our materials for harmful substances using the Cradle-to-Cradle protocol. We assess them against the Restricted Substances List (RSL) and continuously evaluate our suppliers based on the Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) candidate list. This ensures compliance with the latest international chemical regulations, such as EU REACH and RoHS.

Read more about Cradle-to-Cradle


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Strength and Stability Testing

To ensure our furniture items are safe to use, they must meet strict requirements for strength and stability.
See how our R&D department tests the strength of our materials.


Safe Materials

The health of people and the environment is our top priority. This is why we follow the Cradle-to-Cradle philosophy, which means materials must first be safe before they can be used in a circular system. How do we ensure materials are safe?

  • We test them for health risks by following the Material Health protocol from the Cradle-to-Cradle Institute.
  • We check the materials for toxic chemicals and ensure they are safe for people and the environment.
  • We periodically inventory and test materials against the Cradle-to-Cradle Restricted Substances List (RSL).
  • We continuously assess our suppliers based on SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern).
  • We comply with REACH and RoHS regulations: if a substance on the candidate list exceeds the allowed limit, we initiate a process to phase out the material.
‘‘90% of our furniture is tested for strength and stability standards.’’
This percentage is based on the total number of product lines in our 2023 portfolio.
Designer sketching   headerxxl

Circular thinking is in our DNA.
Friso Kramer, the iconic designer, first pioneered sustainable design by always looking at how things could be simplified—less frills, fewer parts, less material, fewer things that could break. Long before the term existed, we were already leading the way in circular design, with timeless products that can be endlessly reused. How do we do it?

Blurred business people walking   headerxxl

Minimising your environmental impact starts at the drawing board. During the design process, we calculate the environmental impact of various design and material choices through Life Cycle Assessment. By doing so, we make decisions that ensure minimal CO2 emissions for our furniture.

Bright green summer   headerxxl

To reduce waste, we use as many recycled materials as possible in our furniture. We also select materials that are suitable for endless reuse, helping to prevent the extraction of new resources.

Lizzy Stuyfzand   headerxxl

Our furniture is used intensively in indoor environments throughout the day. This is why we ensure that the materials are sound and durable. We extensively test our furniture in various ways. How do we do this?